Bohemian Pilsner
Exalted Beer
22 januari 2020 kl 22:02
Bohemian Pilsner
Exalted Beer
22 januari 2020 kl 22:02
Volym | Koktid | OG | FG | IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
10,0 L | 90 min | 1.047 SG | 1.009 SG | 39 | 5,1% | 427 |
IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
39 | 5,1% | 427 |
Namn | Mängd | % | Typ | Färg | |
Pilsner (Viking) | 2,30 kg | 95,0% | Malt |
Malt Framställs vid en slutgiltig temperatur mellan 80-85 °C, malten tillverkas av 2-radigt korn och lämpar sig för alla typer av öl. |
Carapils (Briess) | 0,12 kg | 5,0% | Malt |
Malt Om du letar efter en beprövad top-prestanda dextrinmalt rekommenderar vi Carapils ® malt som produceras av Briess. Carapils ® och Cara-Pils ® är båda varumärken registrerade av United States Patent and Trademark Office och ägs av Briess Industries, Inc. Carapils ® malt från Briess är den bäst presterande malten i dextrinemaltkategorin. Prova och du kommer att upptäcka att den gör ett enastående jobb med att konsekvent ge en ökning av skum (vilket kan vara bra i ljusare öl) och även förbättrar skumstabiliteten och ger en ökad munkänsla utan att ändra smaken eller färgen på din öl.
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Användning | Form | Alfa | IBU | gr/L | |
Saaz | 20 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 3,75% | 19,5 | 2,0 | |
Användning: Kok This traditional variety from the Czech Republic is grown on a limited basis in the U.S. A classic noble aroma that is famously used in Pilsners.
Saaz | 20 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 3,75% | 9,7 | 2,0 | |
Användning: Kok This traditional variety from the Czech Republic is grown on a limited basis in the U.S. A classic noble aroma that is famously used in Pilsners.
Perle | 10 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,00% | 10,3 | 1,0 | |
Användning: Kok Perle has a spciy character, and the aroma is moderate and pleasing. Commonly compared to Hallertau Mittlefruh.
Saaz | 20 gr | 1 min | Kok | Pellets | 3,75% | 0,8 | 2,0 | |
Användning: Kok This traditional variety from the Czech Republic is grown on a limited basis in the U.S. A classic noble aroma that is famously used in Pilsners.
Perle | 10 gr | 1 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,00% | 0,9 | 1,0 | |
Användning: Kok Perle has a spciy character, and the aroma is moderate and pleasing. Commonly compared to Hallertau Mittlefruh.
Namn | Produkt ID | Labb | Form | Förjäsbarhet | Temperatur | |
Pilsner Lager | WLP800 | White Labs | Flytande | 75% | 10°C - 13°C | |
Labb: White Labs Classic pilsner strain from Czech Republic. Dry with a malty finish. |
Namn | Temp. | Tid | Höjningstid | Typ | Vatten | |
Inmäskning | 64°C | 75 min | 2 min | Infusion | 6,31 L | |
Höjningstid: 2 min |
Utmäskning | 76°C | 10 min | 2 min | Infusion | 4,73 L | |
Höjningstid: 2 min |
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1.044 - 1.056
1.013 - 1.017
35 - 45
7 - 12
Crisp, complex and well-rounded yet refreshing. First brewed in 1842, this style was the original clear, light-colored beer. Uses Moravian malted barley and a decoction mash for rich, malt character. Saaz hops and low sulfate, low carbonate water provide a distinctively soft, rounded hop profile. Traditional yeast sometimes can provide a background diacetyl note. Dextrins provide additional body, and diacetyl enhances the perception of a fuller palate.
Pilsner Urquell, Krušovice Imperial 12°, Budweiser Budvar (Czechvar in the US), Czech Rebel, Staropramen, Gambrinus Pilsner, Zlaty Bazant Golden Pheasant, Dock Street Bohemian Pilsner
Soft water with low mineral content, Saaz hops, Moravian malted barley, Czech lager yeast
Aroma: Rich with complex malt and a spicy, floral Saaz hop bouquet. Some pleasant, restrained diacetyl is acceptable, but need not be present. Otherwise clean, with no fruity esters. Appearance: Very pale gold to deep burnished gold, brilliant to very clear, with a dense, long-lasting, creamy white head. Flavor: Rich, complex maltiness combined with a pronounced yet soft and rounded bitterness and spicy flavor from Saaz hops. Some diacetyl is acceptable, but need not be present. Bitterness is prominent but never harsh, and does not linger. The aftertaste is balanced between malt and hops. Clean, no fruity esters. Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied (although diacetyl, if present, may make it seem medium-full), medium carbonation.