Lussebulle Stout
Imperial stout
Exalted Beer
18 november 2022 kl 19:42
En imperial stout bryggd med saffran, russin och muskavadosocker för Novembermörker 2022 i Linköping.
Imperial stout
Exalted Beer
18 november 2022 kl 19:42
En imperial stout bryggd med saffran, russin och muskavadosocker för Novembermörker 2022 i Linköping.
Volym | Koktid | OG | FG | IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
18,0 L | 90 min | 1.071 SG | 1.018 SG | 60 | 7,0% | 821 |
51 EBC
IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
60 | 7,0% | 821 |
51 EBC
Namn | Mängd | % | Typ | Färg | |
Pale Ale, Low Colour Maris Otter (Simpsons) | 4,00 kg | 54,8% | Malt |
Malt If you require a well modified, high performing malt, but with a low colour, look no further than Low Colour Maris Otter. This heritage barley variety is used to produce an exceptional quality base malts, with high extract and enzymic activity and low nitrogen content. It is kilned at a low temperature, making it perfect for Cask IPAs and Light Coloured Ales. |
Vetemalt | 1,00 kg | 13,7% | Malt |
Malt Tillverkas endast från vårvete. Sorter som lämpar sig för bryggerimarknadens ändamål används. Maltprocessen skiljer sig inte mycket från Pilsnermaltens produktion. Slutlig temperatur är normalt mellan 72-80 C. Vetemalt används främst för veteöl och några andra överjästa öl. Vetemalt används också i lageröl för smakanrikning och för att förbättra skumstabilitet. Typexempel på användning är cirka 50% för veteöl och ca, 20% för bidrag i lageröl. |
Pale Chocolate Malt | 0,75 kg | 10,3% | Malt |
254 EBC
Malt |
Biscuit Malt | 0,50 kg | 6,8% | Malt |
23 EBC
Malt Use for English ales, brown ales and porters.
Special B Malt | 0,30 kg | 4,1% | Malt |
180 EBC
Malt Extreme caramel aroma and flavored malt. Used in dark Belgian Abbey and Trappist ales. Unique flavor and aroma. |
Carafa I (Weyermann) | 0,25 kg | 3,4% | Malt |
320 EBC
Malt Chocolate malt. Dark beers, Alts, Bockbiers. Adds color and aroma. |
Muscovado | 0,50 kg | 6,8% | Socker |
25 EBC
Socker Belgian dark candi sugar and syrup: Fairly aggressive flavor. Muscovado and dark brown sugar bring dark fruit, molasses and rummy flavors and aromas. Hints of anise and licorice. The Belgian sugars have clean, toffee highlights and dark fruit. Dark Belgian ales, old ale, Imperial brown ale, porter, stout, doppelbock, barleywine and Baltic porter. |
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Användning | Form | Alfa | IBU | gr/L | |
East Kent Goldings (EKG) | 36 gr | 90 min | Kok | Kottar | 5,00% | 20,4 | 2,0 | |
Användning: Kok Also known as Canterbury Hops by some, although others will dispute this fact. East Kent Goldings gracefully defines the English Pale Ales and Ales produced by the region, it is quintessentially English.
Styrian Goldings | 29 gr | 90 min | Kok | Pellets | 5,40% | 19,6 | 1,6 | |
Användning: Kok A seedless version of Fuggles grown in Slovenia
Styrian Goldings | 25 gr | 15 min | Kok | Kottar | 5,40% | 7,1 | 1,4 | |
Användning: Kok A seedless version of Fuggles grown in Slovenia
Bramling Cross | 20 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 6,00% | 6,9 | 1,1 | |
Användning: Kok Developed in 1927 from commercial Goldings and wild hop variety.
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Typ | Användning | ||
Calcium Chloride | 16,37 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Alters water profile and pH of mash. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Salt | 5,21 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Table Salt (NaCl) may be used as a water mineral to adjust brewing water for mashing. |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) | 2,79 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Reduces PH of water for mashing and sparging. Alters water profile -- used to harden soft water. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Chalk | 0,09 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Chalk (CaCO3) can be used as a water addition to adjust mineral content for mashing. |
Protafloc | 1 gr | 15 min | Klarning | Kok | ||
Typ: Klarning Protafloc är ett klarningsmedel som är baserat på karragen (den aktiva beståndsdelen i Irish Moss). Protafloc används på samma sätt som Irish Moss, men är både effektivare och mycket mer koncentrerat, och kan alltså doseras betydligt lägre. Mängden varierar med vörtstyrkan. Tillsätt 2 gram per 100L vört för svaga öl och 4g per 100L för starkare öl ca. 15-20 minuter före slutet av vörtkokningen. Detta motsvarar ett rågat kryddmått (1 ml) till 40 liter svag vört och ett kryddmått till 20L starkare vört. Trots det högre priset per gram blir Protafloc mycket mer ekonomiskt än Irish Moss på grund av den lägre doseringen. Det minsta paketet bör räcka i flera år för en vanlig hembryggare (räcker till ca 2500 liter öl), medan de större förpackningarna rekommenderas för bryggklubbar och bryggerier. |
Jästnäring | 2 gr | 15 min | Övrigt | Kok | ||
Typ: Övrigt Gives yeast nutrients for healthy fermentation. Not needed for most beers, but good for those with a high percentage of adjuncts. Add before yeast. |
Russin | 250 gr | 5 min | Smak | Kok | ||
Typ: Smak 1 lb of plump raisins soaked in dark rum for one week then pureed and added at the end of the boil. |
Saffron | 1 gr | 5 min | Krydda | Kok | ||
Typ: Krydda Saffron Tea: The secret to getting your money's worth with saffron is to... make a tea out of it before you add it to a recipe. Yes, a tea, sometimes referred to as an infusion or "steeping" saffron. This is exactly the same principle you use in making any tea - the longer the saffron steeps, the stronger its flavor, aroma and color. Where saffron preparation differs from tea is that you can release saffron effectively in hot liquid such as water, broth or milk or in room temperature white wine, vodka, rosewater, orange blossom water, white vinegar or citrus juice. In other words, saffron's chemicals respond positively to hot liquid or room temperature alcohol and acids (citrus). The amount of liquid is not important, use whatever is called for in your recipe or add just a teaspoon or two of hot water to a recipe, which will not harm it. Then put the threads or powdered saffron in the liquid and leave it for a minimum of 20 minutes before you add this "tea" to the recipe. Do not remove the saffron threads from the liquid. They continue to release aroma, flavor and color for up to 24 hours which is why saffron dishes and breads always taste even stronger as leftovers. With more flavor, aroma and color release than you would otherwise have, steeping saffron is the most economical way to use this spice. Once you get comfortable cooking and baking with saffron, you will find the longer you steep your saffron, the less you will need per recipe. |
Saffron | 1 gr | 0 min | Krydda | Sekundärjäsning | ||
Typ: Krydda "Saffron Tea: The secret to getting your money's worth with saffron is to... make a tea out of it before you add it to a recipe. Yes, a tea, sometimes referred to as an infusion or "steeping" saffron. This is exactly the same principle you use in making any tea - the longer the saffron steeps, the stronger its flavor, aroma and color. Where saffron preparation differs from tea is that you can release saffron effectively in hot liquid such as water, broth or milk or in room temperature white wine, vodka, rosewater, orange blossom water, white vinegar or citrus juice. In other words, saffron's chemicals respond positively to hot liquid or room temperature alcohol and acids (citrus). The amount of liquid is not important, use whatever is called for in your recipe or add just a teaspoon or two of hot water to a recipe, which will not harm it. Then put the threads or powdered saffron in the liquid and leave it for a minimum of 20 minutes before you add this "tea" to the recipe. Do not remove the saffron threads from the liquid. They continue to release aroma, flavor and color for up to 24 hours which is why saffron dishes and breads always taste even stronger as leftovers. With more flavor, aroma and color release than you would otherwise have, steeping saffron is the most economical way to use this spice. Once you get comfortable cooking and baking with saffron, you will find the longer you steep your saffron, the less you will need per recipe. |
Saffron | 1 gr | 0 min | Krydda | Buteljering | ||
Typ: Krydda "Saffron Tea: The secret to getting your money's worth with saffron is to... make a tea out of it before you add it to a recipe. Yes, a tea, sometimes referred to as an infusion or "steeping" saffron. This is exactly the same principle you use in making any tea - the longer the saffron steeps, the stronger its flavor, aroma and color. Where saffron preparation differs from tea is that you can release saffron effectively in hot liquid such as water, broth or milk or in room temperature white wine, vodka, rosewater, orange blossom water, white vinegar or citrus juice. In other words, saffron's chemicals respond positively to hot liquid or room temperature alcohol and acids (citrus). The amount of liquid is not important, use whatever is called for in your recipe or add just a teaspoon or two of hot water to a recipe, which will not harm it. Then put the threads or powdered saffron in the liquid and leave it for a minimum of 20 minutes before you add this "tea" to the recipe. Do not remove the saffron threads from the liquid. They continue to release aroma, flavor and color for up to 24 hours which is why saffron dishes and breads always taste even stronger as leftovers. With more flavor, aroma and color release than you would otherwise have, steeping saffron is the most economical way to use this spice. Once you get comfortable cooking and baking with saffron, you will find the longer you steep your saffron, the less you will need per recipe. |
Namn | Produkt ID | Labb | Form | Förjäsbarhet | Temperatur | |
Irish Ale Yeast | WLP004 | White Labs | Flytande | 72% | 18°C - 20°C | |
Labb: White Labs Excellent for Irish Stouts. Produces slight hint of diacetyl balanced by a light fruitiness and a slightly dry crispness. |
Namn | Temp. | Tid | Höjningstid | Typ | Vatten | |
Proteinrast | 52°C | 20 min | 10 min | Infusion | 19,00 L | |
Höjningstid: 10 min |
Inmäskning | 69°C | 60 min | 8 min | Temperatur | 0,00 L | |
Höjningstid: 8 min |
Utmäskning | 78°C | 10 min | 6 min | Temperatur | 0,00 L | |
Höjningstid: 6 min |
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1.070 - 1.055
1.014 - 1.028
50 - 90
90 - 0
Utvecklas ofta positivt med lagring.
Samuel Smith Imperial Stout 7,0%, Slottskällans Imperial Stout 9,0%, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout 8,7%, OG 1 087.
Rostade kaffelika toner med inslag av choklad. Humlearomen kan vara märkbar till tydlig. Vinösa fruktiga toner förekommer ofta, vanligt med drag mot konserverade körsbär. Ingen eller endast lite diacetyl. Mörkt rödbrun till svart. Liten skumkrona okej. En rostad maltig smak, som kan vara både bränd och chokladig balanseras med en bestämd humling. Rostade maltsorter bidrar med smaker såsom kaffe, cappuccino, lakrits, krut, bitter choklad. Beskan kan vara från måttlig och balanserad till mycket hög i mörkare varianter. Den rostade maltens syrlighet och bitterhet bör vara måttlig och skall inte dominera. Humlesmak från låg till tydlig. Fruktestrar hör även till smakbilden. I lagrade exemplar övergår fruktestrarna mer och mer i konserverade körsbär. Ingen eller endast lite diacetyl. Stor kropp. Låg halt av koldioxid är okej.