King Without Kingdom
Imperial Stout
Rocksolid Brewing
24 mars 2016 kl 15:56
Beprövat recept, om än jobbig att laka med 11.3% havre så blir det en grymt god Stout!
Imperial Stout
Rocksolid Brewing
24 mars 2016 kl 15:56
Beprövat recept, om än jobbig att laka med 11.3% havre så blir det en grymt god Stout!
Volym | Koktid | OG | FG | IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
46,0 L | 60 min | 1.097 SG | 1.017 SG | 59 | 11% | 1053 |
93 EBC
IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
59 | 11% | 1053 |
93 EBC
Namn | Mängd | % | Typ | Färg | |
Pale Malt (2 Row) UK | 7,00 kg | 39,5% | Malt |
Malt Base malt for all English beer styles
Oats, Flaked | 2,00 kg | 11,3% | Malt |
Malt Adds body, mouth feel and head retention to the beer
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L | 1,00 kg | 5,6% | Malt |
10 EBC
Malt Adds body, color and improves head retention.
Chocolate Malt | 1,00 kg | 5,6% | Malt |
887 EBC
Malt Dark malt that gives a rich red or brown color and nutty flavor.
Black Barley (Stout) | 0,50 kg | 2,8% | Malt |
1400 EBC
Malt Unmalted barley roasted at high temperature to create a dry, coffee like flavor.
Midnight Wheat | 0,50 kg | 2,8% | Malt |
1084 EBC
Malt Bitterlös svartrostad vetemalt, specialmalt utan bittra eller sträva eftersmaker. Kan användas i alla recept där det krävs en "debittered black malt" (bitterlös svartmalt). Midnight wheat är den mjukaste lenaste källan till svart färg, utan att ge bittra eftersmaker. |
Peat Smoked Malt | 0,50 kg | 2,8% | Malt |
Malt Robust smoky malt that provides a smoky flavor. Used in scottish ales and wee heavy ales. |
Light Dry Extract | 3,00 kg | 16,9% | Torrextrakt |
Torrextrakt Pale dry malt extract for general purpose use.
Honey | 1,95 kg | 11,0% | Socker |
Socker Can be used to lighten flavor and body when substituted for malt.
Maple Syrup | 0,25 kg | 1,4% | Socker |
69 EBC
Socker If added during the boil it will add a dry, woodsy flavor. If added at bottling, the smooth maple flavor comes through. Used for maple ales, porters, browns. |
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Användning | Form | Alfa | IBU | gr/L | |
Nelson Sauvin | 50 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 11,00% | 19,9 | 1,1 | |
Användning: Kok Triploid variety bred from "Smoothcone" released in 2000. Oil profile said to taste like "fresh crushed gooseberries" similar to Sauvignon Blanc, giving it its name. Very fruity, citrusy - use in moderation.
Target | 100 gr | 30 min | Kok | Pellets | 9,20% | 25,6 | 2,2 | |
Användning: Kok Used for: English ales and lagers
Styrian Goldings | 100 gr | 10 min | Kok | Pellets | 2,80% | 3,7 | 2,2 | |
Användning: Kok A seedless version of Fuggles grown in Slovenia
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Typ | Användning | ||
Salt | 5,74 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Table Salt (NaCl) may be used as a water mineral to adjust brewing water for mashing. |
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) | 0,80 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Reduces PH of water for mashing and sparging. Alters water profile -- used to harden soft water. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Calcium Chloride | 0,11 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Alters water profile and pH of mash. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Protafloc | 3 gr | 15 min | Klarning | Kok | ||
Typ: Klarning Aids in clearing yeast and chill haze. Easy to use tablet form. |
Namn | Produkt ID | Labb | Form | Förjäsbarhet | Temperatur | |
SafBrew Abbaye | BE-256 | DCL/Fermentis | Torr | 79% | 12°C - 25°C | |
Labb: DCL/Fermentis Yeast recommended to brew abbey type beers known for their high alcohol content. It ferments very fast and reveals subtle and well-balanced
Namn | Temp. | Tid | Höjningstid | Typ | Vatten | |
Inmäskning | 69°C | 45 min | 2 min | Infusion | 32,60 L | |
Höjningstid: 2 min |
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1.075 - 1.115
1.018 - 1.030
50 - 90
59 - 79
An intensely flavored, big, dark ale. Roasty, fruity, and bittersweet, with a noticeable alcohol presence. Dark fruit flavors meld with roasty, burnt, or almost tarlike sensations. Like a black barleywine with every dimension of flavor coming into play. Brewed to high gravity and hopping level in England for export to the Baltic States and Russia. Said to be popular with the Russian Imperial Court. Today is even more popular with American craft brewers, who have extended the style with unique American characteristics. Variations exist, with English and American interpretations (predictably, the American versions have more bitterness, roasted character, and finishing hops, while the English varieties reflect a more complex specialty malt character and a more forward ester profile). The wide range of allowable characteristics allow for maximum brewer creativity.
Three Floyd’s Dark Lord, Bell’s Expedition Stout, North Coast Old Rasputin Imperial Stout, Stone Imperial Stout, Samuel Smith Imperial Stout, Scotch Irish Tsarina Katarina Imperial Stout, Thirsty Dog Siberian Night, Deschutes The Abyss, Great Divide Yeti, Southampton Russian Imperial Stout, Rogue Imperial Stout, Bear Republic Big Bear Black Stout, Great Lakes Blackout Stout, Avery The Czar, Founders Imperial Stout, Victory Storm King, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout
Well-modified pale malt, with generous quantities of roasted malts and/or grain. May have a complex grain bill using virtually any variety of malt. Any type of hops may be used. Alkaline water balances the abundance of acidic roasted grain in the grist. American or English ale yeast.
Aroma: Rich and complex, with variable amounts of roasted grains, maltiness, fruity esters, hops, and alcohol. The roasted malt character can take on coffee, dark chocolate, or slightly burnt tones and can be light to moderately strong. The malt aroma can be subtle to rich and barleywine-like, depending on the gravity and grain bill. May optionally show a slight specialty malt character (e.g., caramel), but this should only add complexity and not dominate. Fruity esters may be low to moderately strong, and may take on a complex, dark fruit (e.g., plums, prunes, raisins) character. Hop aroma can be very low to quite aggressive, and may contain any hop variety. An alcohol character may be present, but shouldn’t be sharp, hot or solventy. Aged versions may have a slight vinous or portlike quality, but shouldn’t be sour. No diacetyl. The balance can vary with any of the aroma elements taking center stage. Not all possible aromas described need be present; many interpretations are possible. Aging affects the intensity, balance and smoothness of aromatics. Appearance: Color may range from very dark reddish-brown to jet black. Opaque. Deep tan to dark brown head. Generally has a well-formed head, although head retention may be low to moderate. High alcohol and viscosity may be visible in “legs” when beer is swirled in a glass. Flavor: Rich, deep, complex and frequently quite intense, with variable amounts of roasted malt/grains, maltiness, fruity esters, hop bitterness and flavor, and alcohol. Medium to aggressively high bitterness. Medium-low to high hop flavor (any variety). Moderate to aggressively high roasted malt/grain flavors can suggest bittersweet or unsweetened chocolate, cocoa, and/or strong coffee. A slightly burnt grain, burnt currant or tarry character may be evident. Fruity esters may be low to intense, and can take on a dark fruit character (raisins, plums, or prunes). Malt backbone can be balanced and supportive to rich and barleywine-like, and may optionally show some supporting caramel, bready or toasty flavors. Alcohol strength should be evident, but not hot, sharp, or solventy. No diacetyl. The palate and finish can vary from relatively dry to moderately sweet, usually with some lingering roastiness, hop bitterness and warming character. The balance and intensity of flavors can be affected by aging, with some flavors becoming more subdued over time and some aged, vinous or port-like qualities developing. Mouthfeel: Full to very full-bodied and chewy, with a velvety, luscious texture (although the body may decline with long conditioning). Gentle smooth warmth from alcohol should be present and noticeable. Should not be syrupy and underattenuated. Carbonation may be low to moderate, depending on age and conditioning.