Triple C
American Pale Ale
Rocksolid Brewing
16 december 2016 kl 14:08
American Pale Ale
Rocksolid Brewing
16 december 2016 kl 14:08
Volym | Koktid | OG | FG | IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
80,0 L | 60 min | 1.046 SG | 1.009 SG | 43 | 4,8% | 418 |
13 EBC
IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
43 | 4,8% | 418 |
13 EBC
Namn | Mängd | % | Typ | Färg | |
CHÂTEAU PALE ALE | 12,00 kg | 82,8% | Malt |
Malt Features: Belgian light-coloured base malt. Kilning at up to 90-95°C. Characteristics: Usually used as a base malt or in combination with Pilsen 2RS malt
Usage: Pale ale styles and bitter beers, most traditional English beer styles. 7 – 10 EBC (European Brewing Convention)
%: Up to 100% of the mix Moisture % 4.5 Extract (dry basis) % 81.0 Difference fine – coarse % 1.0-2.5 Wort colour EBC (°L) 7.0 (3.2) 10.0 (4.3) Total Protein (dry malt) % 11.5 Soluble protein % 4.0 4.6 Kolbach Index % 38.0 45.0 Viscosity cp 1.60 Diastatic power WK 250 Friability % 80.0 NDMA ppb 2.5 |
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L | 1,00 kg | 6,9% | Malt |
20 EBC
Malt Adds body, color and improves head retention.
Pale Liquid Extract | 1,50 kg | 10,3% | Sirap |
16 EBC
Sirap Unhopped pale liquid extract.
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Användning | Form | Alfa | IBU | gr/L | |
Cascade | 30 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 6,90% | 6,8 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok A hops with Northern Brewers Heritage
Centennial | 30 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,50% | 8,4 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok Used for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats
Citra | 30 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 13,40% | 13,2 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.
Cascade | 30 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 6,90% | 3,4 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok A hops with Northern Brewers Heritage
Centennial | 30 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,50% | 4,2 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok Used for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats
Citra | 30 gr | 15 min | Kok | Pellets | 13,40% | 6,6 | 0,4 | |
Användning: Kok Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.
Cascade | 70 gr | 0 min | Kok | Pellets | 6,90% | 0,0 | 0,9 | |
Användning: Kok A hops with Northern Brewers Heritage
Centennial | 40 gr | 0 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,50% | 0,0 | 0,5 | |
Användning: Kok Used for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats
Citra | 40 gr | 0 min | Kok | Pellets | 13,40% | 0,0 | 0,5 | |
Användning: Kok Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.
Centennial | 100 gr | 7 dgr | Torrhumling | Puck | 10,00% | 0,0 | 1,2 | |
Användning: Torrhumling Used for: General purpose bittering, aroma in American ales and Wheats
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Typ | Användning | ||
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) | 25,00 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Reduces PH of water for mashing and sparging. Alters water profile -- used to harden soft water. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) | 15,00 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Water agent used to modify water profile. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Calcium Chloride | 5,00 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Alters water profile and pH of mash. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add. |
Baking Soda | 2,00 gr | 60 min | Vattenjustering | Mäskning | ||
Typ: Vattenjustering Baking Soda (NaHCO3) may be used as a water mineral to adjust brewing water for mashing. |
Whirlfloc Tablet | 3 gr | 15 min | Klarning | Kok | ||
Typ: Klarning Aids in clearing yeast and chill haze. Easy to use tablet form. |
Yeast Nutrient | 8 gr | 3 dgr | Övrigt | Primärjäsning | ||
Typ: Övrigt Gives yeast nutrients for healthy fermentation. Not needed for most beers, but good for those with a high percentage of adjuncts. Add before yeast. |
Namn | Temp. | Tid | Höjningstid | Typ | Vatten | |
Inmäskning | 64°C | 75 min | 2 min | Infusion | 33,90 L | |
Höjningstid: 2 min |
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1.045 - 1.060
1.010 - 1.015
30 - 45
10 - 28
Refreshing and hoppy, yet with sufficient supporting malt. An American adaptation of English pale ale, reflecting indigenous ingredients (hops, malt, yeast, and water). Often lighter in color, cleaner in fermentation by-products, and having less caramel flavors than English counterparts. There is some overlap in color between American pale ale and American amber ale. The American pale ale will generally be cleaner, have a less caramelly malt profile, less body, and often more finishing hops.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Stone Pale Ale, Great Lakes Burning River Pale Ale, Bear Republic XP Pale Ale, Anderson Valley Poleeko Gold Pale Ale, Deschutes Mirror Pond, Full Sail Pale Ale, Three Floyds X-Tra Pale Ale, Firestone Pale Ale, Left Hand Brewing Jackman's Pale Ale
Pale ale malt, typically American two-row. American hops, often but not always ones with a citrusy character. American ale yeast. Water can vary in sulfate content, but carbonate content should be relatively low. Specialty grains may add character and complexity, but generally make up a relatively small portion of the grist. Grains that add malt flavor and richness, light sweetness, and toasty or bready notes are often used (along with late hops) to differentiate brands.
Aroma: Usually moderate to strong hop aroma from dry hopping or late kettle additions of American hop varieties. A citrusy hop character is very common, but not required. Low to moderate maltiness supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). Fruity esters vary from moderate to none. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive. Appearance: Pale golden to deep amber. Moderately large white to off-white head with good retention. Generally quite clear, although dry-hopped versions may be slightly hazy. Flavor: Usually a moderate to high hop flavor, often showing a citrusy American hop character (although other hop varieties may be used). Low to moderately high clean malt character supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Caramel flavors are usually restrained or absent. Fruity esters can be moderate to none. Moderate to high hop bitterness with a medium to dry finish. Hop flavor and bitterness often lingers into the finish. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive. Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body. Carbonation moderate to high. Overall smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping rates.