Bière blanche (Robert Albrektsson)
23 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 18
Das Vierfache (Robert Albrektsson)
Robert Albrektsson

Das Vierfache

Belgian Dark Strong Ale

23 L
ABV: 10%
IBU: 20
NovemberDubbel (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
50 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 30
Tweed (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Engelsk best bitter

25 L
ABV: 4,0%
IBU: 40
Wreedes druvor (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Wreedes druvor

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 0
In de Zeeland (Exalted Beer)
23 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 28
Sandviks Blonda (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
22 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 20
Drevvikens Dunkelweizen  (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle

Drevvikens Dunkelweizen

Mörkt veteöl av sydtysk typ

12 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 12
Whamageddon (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle


English strong bitter - ESB

12 L
ABV: 5,9%
IBU: 31
Kenta Brun (Petter Wigle)
21 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 29
Kellys svarta (Exalted Beer)
26 L
ABV: 4,4%
IBU: 43
Kellys ljusa (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys ljusa

Övriga klassiska i kategori Mild ale

18 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 33
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 14
Kellys Röda (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys Röda

Irish Red Ale

25 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 23
Poppkatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Poppkatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

23 L
ABV: 7,1%
IBU: 18
Bodsjö bitter (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Bodsjö bitter

Engelsk best bitter

18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 35
Pilis Surjamt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pilis Surjamt

Övriga klassiska syrliga öl

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 15
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 19
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,6%
IBU: 32
De Volle Maan Quadrupel (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 13%
IBU: 36
De Volle Maan Geuze (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 0
Micke Granath


Modifierade öl

20 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 27
Hindenbeer (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 35
Lussekatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Lussekatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 31
Kenta (Petter Wigle)
12 L
ABV: 6,3%
IBU: 26
Lussebulle Stout (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 60
Caprisol NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Caprisol NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 20
Därk Söül (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Därk Söül

Imperial stout

18 L
ABV: 7,9%
IBU: 54
Heffaklump (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus veteöl av sydtysk typ

18 L
ABV: 5,7%
IBU: 10
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 31
Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 42
Mikael Fridén

Gambler's choice

Mörk stark belgisk ale

9 L
ABV: 9,4%
IBU: 40
10 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 10
Wallonie Ale (Olof)

Wallonie Ale

Belgiskt och franskt specialöl

18 L
ABV: 0,0%
IBU: 0
Pixie Bobcat DIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bobcat DIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

45 L
ABV: 9,5%
IBU: 46
20 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 26

Pors Pilsner

Tjeckisk pilsner

21 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 10
Pixie DODDH (Exalted Beer)
16 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 56
18 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 34
In de Wreede 6 (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 32
Mälarens Perla Pilsner (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 40
38 L
ABV: 5,4%
IBU: 44
Boulder road

Boulder road Stiiim

California Common Beer

38 L
ABV: 5,3%
IBU: 46
Boulder road


Robust Porter

30 L
ABV: 4,8%
IBU: 30
Vit Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Vit Katt

American Wheat or Rye Beer

10 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 41
V2 (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Christmas/Winter Specialty Spice Beer

10 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 35
Svartvit Katt (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 62
Söderkällan (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Bohemian Pilsner

10 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 39
Röd Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Katt

American IPA

10 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 39
Röd Älg (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Älg

Scottish strong ale, 90/-

19 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 21
Balck Velo (Greven)

Balck Velo

Foreign Extra Stout
8 mars 2017 kl 23:10

Kaffet är Balck Velo.

Offentlig Inga bryggningar 1 kommentar 0 gillade 314 nedladdningar
Volym Koktid OG FG IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
20,0 L 60 min 1.080 SG 1.018 SG 35 8,2% 427 41 EBC
IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
35 8,2% 427 41 EBC
Namn Mängd % Typ Färg
Pilsner (Weyermann) 6,00 kg 85,1% Malt 3 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 3 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 1,20%
Fuktighet: 4,40%
Utbyte: 82%
Potential: 1.038 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 110,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 100%
Protein: 10,9%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Germany
Leverantör: Weyermann

Pilsner base malt for all pilsners, lagers. Highly modified malt.

Munich II (Weyermann) 0,55 kg 7,8% Malt 17 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 17 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 1,60%
Fuktighet: 3,10%
Utbyte: 82%
Potential: 1.038 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 25,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 100%
Protein: 10,7%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Germany
Leverantör: Weyermann

Darker Munich Malt. Used as a base malt in many German beer styles. Fest beers, bocks and ales. Enhances malt flavour and aroma

Carafa I (Weyermann) 0,30 kg 4,3% Malt 630 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 630 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 1,50%
Fuktighet: 3,10%
Utbyte: 78%
Potential: 1.036 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 0,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 5%
Protein: 10,0%
Ursprung: Germany
Leverantör: Weyermann

Chocolate malt. Dark beers, Alts, Bockbiers. Adds color and aroma.

Caraaroma (Weyermann) 0,20 kg 2,8% Malt 351 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 351 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 0,00%
Fuktighet: 3,60%
Utbyte: 74%
Potential: 1.034 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 0,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 15%
Protein: 0,0%
Ursprung: Germany
Leverantör: Weyermann

Very dark caramel malt with aromatic properties. Adds deep red color and aroma. Amber ales, dark lagers, bocks. Substitute for "Belgian Special B" or 120L caramel malts.

Namn Mängd Tid Användning Form Alfa IBU gr/L
Columbus (Tomahawk) 30 gr 60 min Kok Pellets 14,00% 40,7 1,5

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 14,00%
IBU: 40,7
gr/L: 1,5
21.0 mg/L AA
14,8 AAU
Beta: 5,00%
HSI: 40,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Engineered Centennial Substitute - High alpha bittering hops.
Used for: Bittering, flavor, aroma - IPA, American Pale Ale, Stout, Lager
Aroma: Pungent, spicy. Strongly aromatic, but clean tasting bitterness
Substitutes: Centennial

Wakatu (Hallertau Aroma) 22 gr 20 min Kok Pellets 7,50% 9,7 1,1

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 7,50%
IBU: 9,7
gr/L: 1,1
8.2 mg/L AA
5,8 AAU
Beta: 8,50%
HSI: 25,00%
Ursprung: New Zealand

Formerly called Hallertau Aroma. Similar to German Hallertau but higher alpha. Excellent Dual Purpose hop, rounded floral aroma with hints of lime.
Used for: Lager, Pils, Bock, Wheat, Kolsch, Helles, Belgian Ales.
Aroma: Restrained floral notes and freshly zested lime
Substitutions: US Hallertau, Liberty
Storage: Good
6.5-8.5% AA / 8-9% Beta

Columbus (Tomahawk) 10 gr 20 min Kok Pellets 14,00% 8,2 0,5

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 14,00%
IBU: 8,2
gr/L: 0,5
7.0 mg/L AA
4,9 AAU
Beta: 5,00%
HSI: 40,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Engineered Centennial Substitute - High alpha bittering hops.
Used for: Bittering, flavor, aroma - IPA, American Pale Ale, Stout, Lager
Aroma: Pungent, spicy. Strongly aromatic, but clean tasting bitterness
Substitutes: Centennial

Pacific Jade 10 gr 20 min Kok Pellets 13,00% 7,6 0,5

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 13,00%
IBU: 7,6
gr/L: 0,5
6.5 mg/L AA
4,6 AAU
Beta: 7,50%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: New Zealand

High alpha bittering hops that delivers a bold herbal infusion of fresh citrus with some black pepper flavor. Citrus aroma and flavor tempers ales and may be used as a finishing hops.
Used for: Ales, lagers
Substitutes: N/A

Pacific Jade 20 gr 15 min Whirlpool Pellets 13,00% 6,2 1,0

Användning: Whirlpool
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 13,00%
IBU: 6,2
gr/L: 1,0
13.0 mg/L AA
9,2 AAU
Beta: 7,50%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: New Zealand

High alpha bittering hops that delivers a bold herbal infusion of fresh citrus with some black pepper flavor. Citrus aroma and flavor tempers ales and may be used as a finishing hops.
Used for: Ales, lagers
Substitutes: N/A

Pacific Jade 20 gr 5 dgr Torrhumling Pellets 13,00% 0,0 1,0

Användning: Torrhumling
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 13,00%
IBU: 0,0
gr/L: 1,0
13.0 mg/L AA
9,2 AAU
Beta: 7,50%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: New Zealand

High alpha bittering hops that delivers a bold herbal infusion of fresh citrus with some black pepper flavor. Citrus aroma and flavor tempers ales and may be used as a finishing hops.
Used for: Ales, lagers
Substitutes: N/A

Övriga ingredienser
Namn Mängd Tid Typ Användning
Cold Brew Coffee 211 gr 0 min Krydda Sekundärjäsning

Typ: Krydda
Användning: Sekundärjäsning

Namn Produkt ID Labb Form Förjäsbarhet Temperatur
US West Coast Yeast M44 Mangrove Jack's Torr 73% 15°C - 23°C

Labb: Mangrove Jack's
Labb: Mangrove Jack's
Form: Torr
Förjäsbarhet: 73%
Temperatur: 15°C - 23°C
Typ: Ale
Flockulering: Medium
Bäst till: American ales, high alcohol beers
Max antal generationer: 5
Generation: 0

With the craft beer movement being lead by the USA, there has been a demand for a yeast strain which emphasizes the expressive flavors of the unique ingredients used.
U.S. West Coast Yeast is a high attenuating, top-fermenting strain that ferments with almost completely neutral attributes across a wide range of wort strengths and temperature ranges. It produces a moderately high acidity which allows the tangy citrus hop aromas to really punch through, while also enhancing toasted and dark malt characters. If you plan to use a lot of expensive flavourful hops as the prominent feature of your beer, use this yeast.

Namn Temp. Tid Höjningstid Typ Vatten
Inmäskning 66°C 75 min 2 min Infusion 18,39 L

Höjningstid: 2 min
Typ: Infusion
Vatten: 18,39 L




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13D. Stout


BJCP 2008




1.056 - 1.075


1.010 - 1.018


30 - 70


59 - 79


A very dark, moderately strong, roasty ale. Tropical varieties can be quite sweet, while export versions can be drier and fairly robust. Originally high-gravity stouts brewed for tropical markets (and hence, sometimes known as “Tropical Stouts”). Some bottled export (i.e., stronger) versions of dry or sweet stout also fit this profile. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout has been made since the early 1800s. A rather broad class of stouts, these can be either fruity and sweet, dry and bitter, or even tinged with Brettanomyces (e.g., Guinness Foreign Extra Stout; this type of beer is best entered as a Specialty Beer – Category 23). Think of the style as either a scaled-up dry and/or sweet stout, or a scaled-down Imperial stout without the late hops. Highly bitter and hoppy versions are best entered as American-style Stouts (13E).


Tropical-Type: Lion Stout (Sri Lanka), Dragon Stout (Jamaica), ABC Stout (Singapore), Royal Extra “The Lion Stout” (Trinidad), Jamaica Stout (Jamaica), Export-Type: Freeminer Deep Shaft Stout, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (bottled, not sold in the US), Ridgeway of Oxfordshire Foreign Extra Stout, Coopers Best Extra Stout, Elysian Dragonstooth Stout


Similar to dry or sweet stout, but with more gravity. Pale and dark roasted malts and grains. Hops mostly for bitterness. May use adjuncts and sugar to boost gravity. Ale yeast (although some tropical stouts are brewed with lager yeast).


Aroma: Roasted grain aromas moderate to high, and can have coffee, chocolate and/or lightly burnt notes. Fruitiness medium to high. Some versions may have a sweet aroma, or molasses, licorice, dried fruit, and/or vinous aromatics. Stronger versions can have the aroma of alcohol (never sharp, hot, or solventy). Hop aroma low to none. Diacetyl low to none. Appearance: Very deep brown to black in color. Clarity usually obscured by deep color (if not opaque, should be clear). Large tan to brown head with good retention. Flavor: Tropical versions can be quite sweet without much roast or bitterness, while export versions can be moderately dry (reflecting impression of a scaled-up version of either sweet stout or dry stout). Roasted grain and malt character can be moderate to high, although sharpness of dry stout will not be present in any example. Tropical versions can have high fruity esters, smooth dark grain flavors, and restrained bitterness; they often have a sweet, rum-like quality. Export versions tend to have lower esters, more assertive roast flavors, and higher bitterness. The roasted flavors of either version may taste of coffee, chocolate, or lightly burnt grain. Little to no hop flavor. Very low to no diacetyl. Mouthfeel: Medium-full to full body, often with a smooth, creamy character. May give a warming (but never hot) impression from alcohol presence. Moderate to moderately-high carbonation.