Bière blanche (Robert Albrektsson)
23 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 18
Das Vierfache (Robert Albrektsson)
Robert Albrektsson

Das Vierfache

Belgian Dark Strong Ale

23 L
ABV: 10%
IBU: 20
NovemberDubbel (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
50 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 30
Tweed (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Engelsk best bitter

25 L
ABV: 4,0%
IBU: 40
Wreedes druvor (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Wreedes druvor

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 0
In de Zeeland (Exalted Beer)
23 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 28
Sandviks Blonda (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
22 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 20
Drevvikens Dunkelweizen  (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle

Drevvikens Dunkelweizen

Mörkt veteöl av sydtysk typ

12 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 12
Whamageddon (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle


English strong bitter - ESB

12 L
ABV: 5,9%
IBU: 31
Kenta Brun (Petter Wigle)
21 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 29
Kellys svarta (Exalted Beer)
26 L
ABV: 4,4%
IBU: 43
Kellys ljusa (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys ljusa

Övriga klassiska i kategori Mild ale

18 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 33
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 14
Kellys Röda (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys Röda

Irish Red Ale

25 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 23
Poppkatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Poppkatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

23 L
ABV: 7,1%
IBU: 18
Bodsjö bitter (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Bodsjö bitter

Engelsk best bitter

18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 35
Pilis Surjamt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pilis Surjamt

Övriga klassiska syrliga öl

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 15
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 19
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,6%
IBU: 32
De Volle Maan Quadrupel (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 13%
IBU: 36
De Volle Maan Geuze (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 0
Micke Granath


Modifierade öl

20 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 27
Hindenbeer (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 35
Lussekatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Lussekatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 31
Kenta (Petter Wigle)
12 L
ABV: 6,3%
IBU: 26
Lussebulle Stout (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 60
Caprisol NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Caprisol NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 20
Därk Söül (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Därk Söül

Imperial stout

18 L
ABV: 7,9%
IBU: 54
Heffaklump (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus veteöl av sydtysk typ

18 L
ABV: 5,7%
IBU: 10
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 31
Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 42
Mikael Fridén

Gambler's choice

Mörk stark belgisk ale

9 L
ABV: 9,4%
IBU: 40
10 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 10
Wallonie Ale (Olof)

Wallonie Ale

Belgiskt och franskt specialöl

18 L
ABV: 0,0%
IBU: 0
Pixie Bobcat DIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bobcat DIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

45 L
ABV: 9,5%
IBU: 46
20 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 26

Pors Pilsner

Tjeckisk pilsner

21 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 10
Pixie DODDH (Exalted Beer)
16 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 56
18 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 34
In de Wreede 6 (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 32
Mälarens Perla Pilsner (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 40
38 L
ABV: 5,4%
IBU: 44
Boulder road

Boulder road Stiiim

California Common Beer

38 L
ABV: 5,3%
IBU: 46
Boulder road


Robust Porter

30 L
ABV: 4,8%
IBU: 30
Vit Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Vit Katt

American Wheat or Rye Beer

10 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 41
V2 (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Christmas/Winter Specialty Spice Beer

10 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 35
Svartvit Katt (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 62
Söderkällan (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Bohemian Pilsner

10 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 39
Röd Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Katt

American IPA

10 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 39
Röd Älg (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Älg

Scottish strong ale, 90/-

19 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 21
Pinsam Collaba #2 (Automagiskt Bryggeri)

Pinsam Collaba #2

Belgian Specialty Ale
Automagiskt Bryggeri
18 januari 2018 kl 16:00

Offentlig Inga bryggningar 0 kommentarer 0 gillade 329 nedladdningar
Volym Koktid OG FG IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
22,0 L 90 min 1.072 SG 1.015 SG 35 7,5% 689 12 EBC
IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
35 7,5% 689 12 EBC
Namn Mängd % Typ Färg
CHÂTEAU PILSEN NATURE 6,50 kg 83,3% Malt 3 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 3 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 2,00%
Fuktighet: 4,50%
Utbyte: 81%
Potential: 1.037 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 250,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 100%
Protein: 11,2%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Belgium
Leverantör: Castle Malting®

Features: The lightest coloured Belgian malt. Produced from the finest European
malting barley varieties. Kilned at up to 80 - 85°C.

Characteristics: The lightest in colour, this malt is well modified and can be easily
mashed with a single-temperature infusion. Our Château Pilsen malt carries a
strong, sweet malt flavour and contains enough enzymatic power to be used as base

Usage: All beer types

%: Up to 100% of the mix

2.5 – 3.5 EBC (European Brewing Convention)
1.5 – 1.9°L (Lovibond)

Moisture % 4.5

Extract (dry basis) % 81.0

Difference fine – coarse % 1.5- 2.5

Wort colour EBC (°L) 3.5 (1.9)

Post coloration EBC (°L) 4.0 (2.1) -6.0 (2.8)

Total Protein (dry malt) % 11.2

Soluble protein % 3.5 -4.4

Kolbach Index % 35.0- 45.0

Hartong 45° % 34.0- 43.0

Viscosity cp 1.6

Ph 5.6 -6.0

Diastatic power WK 250

Friability % 81.0

Glassiness (whole grains) % 2.5

PDMS 5.0

NDMA ppb 2.5

Filtration normal

Saccharification time min 15

Clarity of wort clear


Typ: Malt
Färg: 5 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 0,00%
Fuktighet: 5,50%
Utbyte: 83%
Potential: 1.038 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 0,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 30%
Protein: 14,0%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Belgium
Leverantör: Castle Malting®

Features: Wheat malt. Kilned at up to 80 - 85°C.

Characteristics: Enhances the peculiar taste of wheat beers. Château Wheat Blanc malt is essential in making wheat beers but is also used in barley malt-based beers (3–5%) thanks to its protein level that gives the beer a fuller mouthfeel and enhanced head stability.

Usage: Wheat beers, white, light beers, beers with low or no alcohol. Recommended max. proportion: up to 30% of the mix.

3.5 –5.5 EBC (European Brewing Convention)
1.9 –2.6°L (Lovibond)

Moisture % 5.5

Extract (dry basis) % 83.0

Wortcolour EBC (°L) 5.5 (2.6)

Postcoloration EBC (°L) 7.5 (3.4)

Total Protein (dry malt) % 14.0

Soluble protein % 4.5- 5.5

cp 1.9
pH 5.8-6.1


Typ: Malt
Färg: 20 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 0,00%
Fuktighet: 8,50%
Utbyte: 78%
Potential: 1.036 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 0,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 20%
Protein: 11,5%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Belgium
Leverantör: Castle Malting®

Features: A pale Belgian caramel-style malt. High temperature of germination.
Taste development at up to 220°C, intense aroma.

Characteristics: Château Cara Blond® imparts a mild caramel-sweet aroma adding
golden colour to beer. A distinguishing characteristic of all caramel malts is
glassiness. This glassy endosperm creates the desirable non-fermentable
components that give true caramel malt the ability to contribute mouthfeel, head,
head retention, and extended beer stability.

Usage: Light lagers, light ales, with little or no alcohol, white beers

%: Up to 20% of the mix.

20 EBC (European Brewing Convention)
8.1°L (Lovibond)

Moisture % 8.5

Extract (dry basis) % 78.0

Wort colour EBC (°L) 17.0 (6.9) 24.0 (9.6)

Total Protein (dry malt) % 11.5

Saccharification time min normal

Namn Mängd Tid Användning Form Alfa IBU gr/L
Citra 50 gr 10 min Whirlpool Pellets 12,00% 10,3 2,3

Användning: Whirlpool
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 12,00%
IBU: 10,3
gr/L: 2,3
27.3 mg/L AA
21,2 AAU
Beta: 4,00%
HSI: 25,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.
Aroma: Adds interesting citrus and tropical fruit character to the beer.
Substitutes: Unknown

Mosaic 50 gr 10 min Whirlpool Pellets 12,50% 10,7 2,3

Användning: Whirlpool
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 12,50%
IBU: 10,7
gr/L: 2,3
28.4 mg/L AA
22,0 AAU
Beta: 2,00%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Vic Secret 50 gr 10 min Whirlpool Pellets 15,50% 13,3 2,3

Användning: Whirlpool
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 15,50%
IBU: 13,3
gr/L: 2,3
35.2 mg/L AA
27,3 AAU
Beta: 2,60%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: Australia

The clean, distinct fruit and pine characters of Vic Secret are best accessed by dry hopping or whirlpool additions. Late kettle additions have been found to impart a pleasant earthy character, but little fruit. Maintains very high levels of alpha acid so brewers may find it easier to craft the right balance in their beer by dry hopping. First commercial harvest in 2013.
Uses: Ales, Lagers, Experimental Ales
Aroma: Clean, distinct fruit and pine
Substitutions: Unknown
Storage: Unknown
14-17% AA / 2.2-2.8% Beta

Citra 100 gr 3 dgr Torrhumling Pellets 12,00% 0,0 4,5

Användning: Torrhumling
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 12,00%
IBU: 0,0
gr/L: 4,5
54.5 mg/L AA
42,3 AAU
Beta: 4,00%
HSI: 25,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.
Aroma: Adds interesting citrus and tropical fruit character to the beer.
Substitutes: Unknown

Mosaic 50 gr 3 dgr Torrhumling Pellets 12,50% 0,0 2,3

Användning: Torrhumling
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 12,50%
IBU: 0,0
gr/L: 2,3
28.4 mg/L AA
22,0 AAU
Beta: 2,00%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: U.S.

Vic Secret 50 gr 3 dgr Torrhumling Pellets 15,50% 0,0 2,3

Användning: Torrhumling
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 15,50%
IBU: 0,0
gr/L: 2,3
35.2 mg/L AA
27,3 AAU
Beta: 2,60%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: Australia

The clean, distinct fruit and pine characters of Vic Secret are best accessed by dry hopping or whirlpool additions. Late kettle additions have been found to impart a pleasant earthy character, but little fruit. Maintains very high levels of alpha acid so brewers may find it easier to craft the right balance in their beer by dry hopping. First commercial harvest in 2013.
Uses: Ales, Lagers, Experimental Ales
Aroma: Clean, distinct fruit and pine
Substitutions: Unknown
Storage: Unknown
14-17% AA / 2.2-2.8% Beta

Övriga ingredienser
Namn Mängd Tid Typ Användning
Calcium Chloride 7,88 gr 60 min Vattenjustering Mäskning

Typ: Vattenjustering
Användning: Mäskning
Används till: Vattenjustering

Alters water profile and pH of mash. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add.

Epsom Salt (MgSO4) 1,55 gr 60 min Vattenjustering Mäskning

Typ: Vattenjustering
Användning: Mäskning
Används till: Vattenjustering

Water agent used to modify water profile. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add.

Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 0,73 gr 60 min Vattenjustering Mäskning

Typ: Vattenjustering
Användning: Mäskning
Används till: Vattenjustering

Reduces PH of water for mashing and sparging. Alters water profile -- used to harden soft water. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add.

Salt 0,35 gr 60 min Vattenjustering Mäskning

Typ: Vattenjustering
Användning: Mäskning
Används till: Vattenjustering

Table Salt (NaCl) may be used as a water mineral to adjust brewing water for mashing.

Namn Produkt ID Labb Form Förjäsbarhet Temperatur
Trappist Ale WLP500 White Labs Flytande 78% 18°C - 22°C

Labb: White Labs
Labb: White Labs
Form: Flytande
Förjäsbarhet: 78%
Temperatur: 18°C - 22°C
Typ: Ale
Flockulering: Medium
Bäst till: Trappist Ale, Dubbel, Trippel, Belgian Ales
Max antal generationer: 5
Generation: 0

Distinctive fruitiness and plum characteristics. Excellent for high gravity beers.

Namn Temp. Tid Höjningstid Typ Vatten
Försockringsrast 67°C 90 min 15 min Infusion 21,45 L

Höjningstid: 15 min
Typ: Infusion
Vatten: 21,45 L

Utmäskning 76°C 10 min 10 min Temperatur 0,00 L

Höjningstid: 10 min
Typ: Temperatur
Vatten: 0,00 L




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16E. Belgian and French Ale


BJCP 2008




1.030 - 1.080


1.006 - 1.019


15 - 40


6 - 99


Variable. This category encompasses a wide range of Belgian ales produced by truly artisanal brewers more concerned with creating unique products than in increasing sales. Unique beers of small, independent Belgian breweries that have come to enjoy local popularity but may be far less well-known outside of their own regions. Many have attained “cult status” in the U.S. (and other parts of the world) and now owe a significant portion of their sales to export. This is a catch-all category for any Belgian-style beer not fitting any other Belgian style category. The category can be used for clones of specific beers (e.g., Orval, La Chouffe); to produce a beer fitting a broader style that doesn’t have its own category; or to create an artisanal or experimental beer of the brewer’s own choosing (e.g., strong Belgian golden ale with spices, something unique). Creativity is the only limit in brewing but the entrants must identify what is special about their entry. This category may be used as an “incubator” for recognized styles for which there is not yet a formal BJCP category. Some styles falling into this classification include: • Blond Trappist table beer • Artisanal Blond • Artisanal Amber • Artisanal Brown • Belgian-style Barleywines • Trappist Quadrupels • Belgian Spiced Christmas Beers • Belgian Stout • Belgian IPA • Strong and/or Dark Saison • Fruit-based Flanders Red/Brown The judges must understand the brewer’s intent in order to properly judge an entry in this category. THE BREWER MUST SPECIFY EITHER THE BEER BEING CLONED, THE NEW STYLE BEING PRODUCED OR THE SPECIAL INGREDIENTS OR PROCESSES USED. Additional background information on the style and/or beer may be provided to judges to assist in the judging, including style parameters or detailed descriptions of the beer. Beers fitting other Belgian categories should not be entered in this category.


Orval; De Dolle’s Arabier, Oerbier, Boskeun and Stille Nacht; La Chouffe, McChouffe, Chouffe Bok and N’ice Chouffe; Ellezelloise Hercule Stout and Quintine Amber; Unibroue Ephemere, Maudite, Don de Dieu, etc.; Minty; Zatte Bie; Caracole Amber, Saxo and Nostradamus; Silenrieu Sara and Joseph; Fantôme Black Ghost and Speciale Noël; Dupont Moinette, Moinette Brune, and Avec Les Bons Voeux de la Brasserie Dupont; St. Fullien Noël; Gouden Carolus Noël; Affligem Nöel; Guldenburg and Pere Noël; De Ranke XX Bitter and Guldenberg; Poperings Hommelbier; Bush (Scaldis); Moinette Brune; Grottenbier; La Trappe Quadrupel; Weyerbacher QUAD; Bière de Miel; Verboden Vrucht; New Belgium 1554 Black Ale; Cantillon Iris; Russian River Temptation; Lost Abbey Cuvee de Tomme and Devotion, Lindemans Kriek and Framboise, and many more


May include herbs and/or spices. May include unusual grains and malts, though the grain character should be apparent if it is a key ingredient. May include adjuncts such as caramelized sugar syrup and honey. May include Belgian microbiota such as Brettanomyces or Lactobacillus. Unusual techniques, such as blending, may be used through primarily to arrive at a particular result. The process alone does not make a beer unique to a blind judging panel if the final product does not taste different.


Aroma: Variable. Most exhibit varying amounts of fruity esters, spicy phenols and/or yeast-borne aromatics. Aromas from actual spice additions may be present. Hop aroma may be none to high, and may include a dry-hopped character. Malt aroma may be low to high, and may include character of non-barley grains such as wheat or rye. Some may include aromas of Belgian microbiota, most commonly Brettanomyces and/or Lactobacillus. No diacetyl. Appearance: Variable. Color varies considerably from pale gold to very dark. Clarity may be hazy to clear. Head retention is usually good. Generally moderate to high carbonation. Flavor: Variable. A great variety of flavors are found in these beers. Maltiness may be light to quite rich. Hop flavor and bitterness may be low to high. Spicy flavors may be imparted by yeast (phenolics) and/or actual spice additions. May include characteristics of grains other than barley, such as wheat or rye. May include flavors produced by Belgian microbiota such as Brettanomyces or Lactobacillus. May include flavors from adjuncts such as caramelized sugar syrup or honey. Mouthfeel: Variable. Some are well-attenuated, thus fairly light-bodied for their original gravity, while others are thick and rich. Most are moderately to highly carbonated. A warming sensation from alcohol may be present in stronger examples. A “mouth puckering” sensation may be present from acidity.