Black Out IPA by LBN Brewery & Smisken Brewery
American Amber Ale
Smisken Brewery
18 februari 2018 kl 20:40
En bryggning tillsammans mellan LBN Brewery samt Smisken Brewery.
American Amber Ale
Smisken Brewery
18 februari 2018 kl 20:40
En bryggning tillsammans mellan LBN Brewery samt Smisken Brewery.
Volym | Koktid | OG | FG | IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
19,5 L | 80 min | 1.058 SG | 1.016 SG | 85 | 5,4% | 543 |
51 EBC
IBU | ABV | Kalorier/L | Färg |
85 | 5,4% | 543 |
51 EBC
Namn | Mängd | % | Typ | Färg | |
Pale Malt (2 Row) UK | 4,80 kg | 90,8% | Malt |
Malt Base malt for all English beer styles
Roasted Barley | 0,29 kg | 5,4% | Malt |
591 EBC
Malt Roasted at high temperature to create a burnt, grainy, coffee like flavor.
Black (Patent) Malt | 0,20 kg | 3,8% | Malt |
985 EBC
Malt Dark color and dry roasted flavor characteristic of Stouts and Porters
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Användning | Form | Alfa | IBU | gr/L | |
Columbus (Tomahawk) | 40 gr | 60 min | Kok | Pellets | 14,00% | 67,8 | 2,1 | |
Användning: Kok Engineered Centennial Substitute - High alpha bittering hops.
Olicana | 30 gr | 5 min | Kok | Pellets | 8,00% | 5,8 | 1,5 | |
Användning: Kok Arom och smak av tropisk frukt, bl.a. mango, passionsfrukt och grapefrukt. |
Nelson Sauvin | 25 gr | 5 min | Kok | Pellets | 12,00% | 7,2 | 1,3 | |
Användning: Kok Triploid variety bred from "Smoothcone" released in 2000. Oil profile said to taste like "fresh crushed gooseberries" similar to Sauvignon Blanc, giving it its name. Very fruity, citrusy - use in moderation.
Chinook | 30 gr | 4 dgr | Torrhumling | Pellets | 13,00% | 0,0 | 1,5 | |
Användning: Torrhumling Strong versatile bittering hop
Tettnang | 20 gr | 4 dgr | Torrhumling | Pellets | 4,50% | 0,0 | 1,0 | |
Användning: Torrhumling Used for: German ales, lagers and wheat beer
Namn | Mängd | Tid | Typ | Användning | ||
Cacao Nibs | 100 gr | 5 min | Smak | Kok | ||
Typ: Smak Particularly well-suited for darker styles such as brown ales, porters and stouts, we recommend 2-4oz per 5 gallon batch. Nibs can be added during secondary fermentation for smooth, rich chocolate notes or at the end of the boil to extract a bittersweet bite. |
Namn | Produkt ID | Labb | Form | Förjäsbarhet | Temperatur | |
Ringwood Ale | 1187 | Wyeast Labs | Flytande | 70% | 18°C - 23°C | |
Labb: Wyeast Labs European ale yeast. Highly flocculant with complex, clear, but malty profile. Slightly fruity ester. |
Namn | Temp. | Tid | Höjningstid | Typ | Vatten | |
Inmäskning | 67°C | 60 min | 2 min | Infusion | 13,78 L | |
Höjningstid: 2 min |
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1.045 - 1.056
1.010 - 1.015
20 - 40
22 - 35
Variation of the American Pale Ale style from the West Coast. Slightly darker in color and more caramel flavor than American Pale.
North Coast Red Seal Ale, Fat Tire Amber Ale, Full Sail Amber Ale
American 2-row Pale Malt. Medium to dark crystal malt. American hops. Dry hopping for aroma. American ale yeast.
Medium body, less malty with noticable caramel/crystal malt flavor. Medium to high hop rate with corresponding aroma. Light copper to brown in color. Fruity and estery with low diacetyl. Moderate carbonation.