Bière blanche (Robert Albrektsson)
23 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 18
Das Vierfache (Robert Albrektsson)
Robert Albrektsson

Das Vierfache

Belgian Dark Strong Ale

23 L
ABV: 10%
IBU: 20
NovemberDubbel (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
50 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 30
Tweed (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Engelsk best bitter

25 L
ABV: 4,0%
IBU: 40
Wreedes druvor (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Wreedes druvor

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 0
In de Zeeland (Exalted Beer)
23 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 28
Sandviks Blonda (Uppsala hembryggareförening)
22 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 20
Drevvikens Dunkelweizen  (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle

Drevvikens Dunkelweizen

Mörkt veteöl av sydtysk typ

12 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 12
Whamageddon (Petter Wigle)
Petter Wigle


English strong bitter - ESB

12 L
ABV: 5,9%
IBU: 31
Kenta Brun (Petter Wigle)
21 L
ABV: 6,4%
IBU: 29
Kellys svarta (Exalted Beer)
26 L
ABV: 4,4%
IBU: 43
Kellys ljusa (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys ljusa

Övriga klassiska i kategori Mild ale

18 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 33
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

26 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 14
Kellys Röda (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kellys Röda

Irish Red Ale

25 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 23
Poppkatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Poppkatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

23 L
ABV: 7,1%
IBU: 18
Bodsjö bitter (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Bodsjö bitter

Engelsk best bitter

18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 35
Pilis Surjamt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pilis Surjamt

Övriga klassiska syrliga öl

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 15
Kattpunk NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Kattpunk NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 19
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,6%
IBU: 32
De Volle Maan Quadrupel (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 13%
IBU: 36
De Volle Maan Geuze (Brouwerij De Volle Maan)
24 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 0
Micke Granath


Modifierade öl

20 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 27
Hindenbeer (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 35
Lussekatt NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Lussekatt NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 31
Kenta (Petter Wigle)
12 L
ABV: 6,3%
IBU: 26
Lussebulle Stout (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 7,0%
IBU: 60
Caprisol NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Caprisol NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 20
Därk Söül (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Därk Söül

Imperial stout

18 L
ABV: 7,9%
IBU: 54
Heffaklump (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus veteöl av sydtysk typ

18 L
ABV: 5,7%
IBU: 10
Tembo (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Ljus stark belgisk ale

18 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 31
Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bob Kitten Session NEIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

18 L
ABV: 4,9%
IBU: 42
Mikael Fridén

Gambler's choice

Mörk stark belgisk ale

9 L
ABV: 9,4%
IBU: 40
10 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 10
Wallonie Ale (Olof)

Wallonie Ale

Belgiskt och franskt specialöl

18 L
ABV: 0,0%
IBU: 0
Pixie Bobcat DIPA (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Pixie Bobcat DIPA

New England IPA - Vermont IPA

45 L
ABV: 9,5%
IBU: 46
20 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 26

Pors Pilsner

Tjeckisk pilsner

21 L
ABV: 4,2%
IBU: 10
Pixie DODDH (Exalted Beer)
16 L
ABV: 6,2%
IBU: 56
18 L
ABV: 6,6%
IBU: 34
In de Wreede 6 (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,0%
IBU: 32
Mälarens Perla Pilsner (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 4,7%
IBU: 40
38 L
ABV: 5,4%
IBU: 44
Boulder road

Boulder road Stiiim

California Common Beer

38 L
ABV: 5,3%
IBU: 46
Boulder road


Robust Porter

30 L
ABV: 4,8%
IBU: 30
Vit Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Vit Katt

American Wheat or Rye Beer

10 L
ABV: 6,9%
IBU: 41
V2 (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Christmas/Winter Specialty Spice Beer

10 L
ABV: 8,9%
IBU: 35
Svartvit Katt (Exalted Beer)
18 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 62
Söderkällan (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer


Bohemian Pilsner

10 L
ABV: 5,1%
IBU: 39
Röd Katt (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Katt

American IPA

10 L
ABV: 6,5%
IBU: 39
Röd Älg (Exalted Beer)
Exalted Beer

Röd Älg

Scottish strong ale, 90/-

19 L
ABV: 6,7%
IBU: 21


American Pale Ale
16-bits Bryggeri
15 januari 2016 kl 10:47

Offentlig Inga bryggningar 2 kommentarer 0 gillade 775 nedladdningar
Volym Koktid OG FG IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
23,0 L 90 min 1.057 SG 1.016 SG 36 5,3% 97 15 EBC
IBU ABV Kalorier/L Färg
36 5,3% 97 15 EBC
Namn Mängd % Typ Färg
Vienna 5,80 kg 100,0% Malt 8 EBC

Typ: Malt
Färg: 8 EBC  
Malningsgrad: 1,50%
Fuktighet: 4,50%
Utbyte: 78%
Potential: 1.036 SG
Enzymatisk aktivitet: 100,0 Lintner
Rekommenderad max giva: 100%
Protein: 11,7%
Mäskning rekommenderad: Ja
Ursprung: Finland
Leverantör: Viking Malt

Namn Mängd Tid Användning Form Alfa IBU gr/L
Hüll Melon 60 gr 60 min Kok Pellets 5,20% 32,3 2,6

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 5,20%
IBU: 32,3
gr/L: 2,6
13.6 mg/L AA
11,0 AAU
Beta: 2,00%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: Germany

Hüll Melon 40 gr 5 min Kok Pellets 5,20% 4,3 1,7

Användning: Kok
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 5,20%
IBU: 4,3
gr/L: 1,7
9.0 mg/L AA
7,3 AAU
Beta: 2,00%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: Germany

Hüll Melon 40 gr 5 dgr Torrhumling Pellets 5,20% 0,0 1,7

Användning: Torrhumling
Form: Pellets
Alfa: 5,20%
IBU: 0,0
gr/L: 1,7
9.0 mg/L AA
7,3 AAU
Beta: 2,00%
HSI: 15,00%
Ursprung: Germany

Namn Produkt ID Labb Form Förjäsbarhet Temperatur
Belgian Style Saison Ale Yeast Blend WLP568 White Labs Flytande 75% 21°C - 27°C

Labb: White Labs
Labb: White Labs
Form: Flytande
Förjäsbarhet: 75%
Temperatur: 21°C - 27°C
Typ: Ale
Flockulering: Medium
Bäst till: Belgian and French Saison
Max antal generationer: 5
Generation: 0

This blend melds Belgian style ale and Saison strains. The strains work in harmony to create complex, fruity aromas and flavors. The blend of yeast strains encourages complete fermentation in a timely manner. Phenolic, spicy, earthy, and clove like flavor

Namn Temp. Tid Höjningstid Typ Vatten
Inmäskning 69°C 45 min 2 min Infusion 15,13 L

Höjningstid: 2 min
Typ: Infusion
Vatten: 15,13 L

Utmäskning 76°C 10 min 2 min Infusion 6,05 L

Höjningstid: 2 min
Typ: Infusion
Vatten: 6,05 L




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16-bits Bryggeri
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Otestat recept, för en SMaSH som ska göras för en ölbryggarträff

Skrevs den 15 jan 2016 kl 10:48.

71. American Pale Ale


AABC 2010




1.045 - 1.060


1.010 - 1.015


30 - 45


10 - 28


Pale golden to deep amber. Moderately large white to off-white head with good retention. Generally quite clear, although dry-hopped versions may be slightly hazy. Aroma: Usually moderate to strong hop aroma from dry hopping or late kettle additions of American hop varieties. A citrusy hop character is very common, but not required. Low to moderate maltiness supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). Fruity esters vary from moderate to none. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive. Flavour: Usually a moderate to high hop flavour, often showing a citrusy American hop character (although other hop varieties may be used). Low to moderately high clean malt character supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Caramel flavours are usually restrained or absent. Fruity esters can be moderate to none. Moderate to high hop bitterness with a medium to dry finish. Hop flavour and bitterness often lingers into the finish. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive. Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body. Carbonation moderate to high. Overall smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping rates.


Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Stone Pale Ale, Great Lakes Burning River Pale Ale, Full Sail Pale Ale, Three Floyds X-Tra Pale Ale, Anderson Valley Poleeko Gold Pale Ale,


Pale ale malt, typically American two-row. American hops, often but not always ones with a citrusy character. American ale yeast. Water can vary in sulfate content, but carbonate content should be relatively low. Specialty grains may add character and complexity, but generally make up a relatively small portion of the grist. Grains that add malt flavour and richness, light sweetness, and toasty or bready notes are often used (along with late hops) to differentiate brands.


Refreshing and hoppy, yet with sufficient supporting malt.